Saturday, June 8, 2013

June 7, 2013

SO, first things first. I GOT MY VISAAAAA! I'll be heading out on June 17th, 2013 around 2:15 my time. Yay! I am super excited, but SUPER scared too because I will be just dropped into Portuguese everything all the time. Weird. I will probably come back red, like a lobster. Or a giant freckle. And I can guarantee I'll forget how to drive.

And, today, we are going to a Cubs game, yay! With the whole mission. Just imagine 218+ missionaries at a baseball game! We are all so stoked. We rode the train into the city again. It's nice. I love the city.

So I have been learning a lot, and I can tell that I am becoming more and more aware of people around me, like I can feel a genuine love for them! Even the huge jerks.  It is so nice, not being upset, and being able to be happy, and love everyone. And not that fake "I love you, but I am going to keep to myself" no. It's like a genuine, "I want to do all I can to help you." But, it's up to them to let me help them. And most often, they don't want my help.

Right now there are like 20 missionaries in the apple store using the email on the computers hahaha It is pretty comical.

My companions Sister Kershaw and Sister Najarro were really sad that I am leaving in a couple weeks. Also, a lot of other missionaries told me to just call the Recife Mission President and just stay here instead. Haha. It makes me feel loved. The missionaries here are awesome. But it goes to show that, no matter where you go, no matter where you serve, your mission will always be the best mission. Unless you are just a sad sack and don't pay attention to the good things. 

We have to do a lot of finding this next week. Knocking on doors, and contacting. It's really hard, but when I follow the promptings I get and just "go and do", it becomes easy and I am not so shy to talk to people randomly. We even chased someone, which sounds crazy, but we felt like we needed to talk to him! He was very nice, and didn't mind. But one good thing is he will remember the mormon missionaries forever. (We aren't as crazy as that sounds! I AM NORMAL! Except I am a missionary, so I don't know how normal you can actually be haha)

Well, I will be able to email on Monday as well. I love all of you and I hope all is well. This week Pday was on Friday because we are going to the baseball game as stated previously. I love you all and miss you dearly!

Sister Clarke